Acquisition of Debt Portfolios
Leafy Financial is experienced with evaluating and purchasing portfolios containing a wide range of debt types and level of debt. We ensure the debt being purchased contains a clean chain of title and a detailed history of all companies and agencies that have previously handled or worked the file.
Our executives look to acquire debt portfolios from a variety of sources that include original creditors, issuers, and reputable industry parties with valid debt for sale. We have experience in working with asset classes that include, but are not limited to:
Auto Loans
Credit Card Debt
Student Loans
Payday Loans
Consumer Debt
Private Label Debt
Are you looking to sell debt?
Sale of Debt Portfolios
Leafy Financial utilizes the sale of debt portfolios to generate cash and provide opportunity for streams of collection revenue for our partners. Our team of professionals thoroughly analyzes and conducts due diligence for each portfolio to ensure a streamlined and effortless process.
We maintain all debt assets with an updated valuation and ensure the price point is mutually beneficial for all parties involved. Our executives have a long history of creating profits for their buyers through the sale of debt portfolios, and maintaining a strong working relationship with our partners is always a top priority.